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Sync Connection


Field NamerequiredDescription
B25__User_Id__cYesThe id of the outlook user that this sync connection connects to. This is almost always the email address of this user for example:
B25__User_Type__cYesThe type of user. Outlook has support for resource users if the user id specified is of a resource user set this to resource. This ensures attendees are marked as the correct type.
B25__Calendar_Name__cNoThe name of the calendar booker25 should sync to. 
B25__Activate_After_Validation__cNoWhen checked the connection wil be activated automatically when booker25 has validated the connection details.
B25__Active__cNoIf the connection is active or not. You can only mark valid connections as active and inactive connections wil not sync.
B25__Use_Live_Sync__cNoIf this connection should use the live sync functionality. For instructions on how to configure live sync see: <Insert link here>
B25__Resource__cYes*Lookup to a resource dimension object.
B25__Staff__cYes*Lookup to a staff dimension object.
B25__Valid__cNoIf the connection is valid or not. This field wil be updated by booker25 and should in most cases not be edited manually.


Field NameDescription
B25__Calendar_Id__cThe Id of the calendar that was specifield in the B25__Calendar_Name__c field. This field is filled by booker25 after validation.
B25__Delta_Token__cToken received from Outlook in order to keep the Booker25 calendar and Outlook calendar in sync.
B25__Secondary_Delta_Token__cToken received from Outlook in order to keep the Booker25 calendar and Outlook calendar in sync.
B25__Subscription_Id__cId of the current live subscription for this connection.


Field NameDescription
B25__Sync_Connection__cThe connection this error occurred for. This field can be empty if the correct connection could not be determined.

The operation that was being processed when this error occurred.

  • Connection Setup: Error occurred during connection setup
  • Subscription Refresh: Error occurred while refreshing the live subscription.
  • Create: Error occurred when syncing a newly created reservation to outlook
  • Update: Error occurred when syncing an already synced reservation to outlook
  • Delete: Error occurred when deleting a reservation from outlook.
  • Sync Down: Error occurred when attempting to sync reservations from outlook into Booker25
B25__Stage__cThe stage of the operation the error occurred in. Many operations required multiple requests to the microsoft graph api the stage indicates the request that failed.
B25__Status_Code__cThe status code of the failed request if relevant
B25__Error_Message__cMore detail of what caused the error.
