Exact field | Salesforce field | Notes |
Name | Account.Name | |
Account.Subscription25__Billing_Email_Address__c | Formula field referencing: Account.Subscription25__Billing_Attendant_To__r.Email | |
Phone | Account.Phone | |
VATNumber | Account.Subscriptoin25__VAT_Number__c | Configurable in a custom setting: CLIENT_VAT_NUMBER_FIELD |
BankAccount > IBAN | Account.Subscription25__IBAN__c | Configurable in a custom setting: |
ChamberOfCommerce | Configurable in a custom setting: CLIENT_ACCOUNT_COC_FIELD | |
SalesPaymentCondition | Configurable in a custom setting: CLIENT_ACCOUNT_PAYMENT_METHOD_FIELD | |
Addresses – Billing | Account.BillingAddress | |
Addresses – Visiting | Account.Subscription25__Visiting_Street__c etc. | Standard address in Exact can be set in a custom setting: |
Addresses – Shipping | Account.ShippingAddress | |
OrderedBy | Subscription25__Debtor_Number__c | Via Subscripton25__Debtor_Number__c object |
InvoiceTo | Subscription25__Debtor_Number__c | Via Subscripton25__Debtor_Number__c object |
OrderDate | Invoice.Subscription25__Invoice_Date__c | |
YourRef | Invoice.Subscription25__Purchase_Order_Number__c | |
Description | Invoice.Subscription25__Description__c | Configurable in a custom setting: CLIENT_INVOICE_DESCRIPTION_FIELD |
Notes | Configurable in a custom setting: CLIENT_INVOICE_NOTES_FIELD | |
PaymentMethod | Configurable in a custom setting: CLIENT_INVOICE_PAYMENT_METHOD_FIELD | |
PaymentReference | Configurable in a custom setting: CLIENT_INVOICE_PAYMENT_REF_FIELD | |
Item (Artikel) | Fixed value “STANDAARD” | Configurable in a custom setting: CLIENT_ARTICLE_FIELD |
GLAccount | Subscription25__Ledger_Number__c | Via Subscription25__Administration_Product__c object |
UnitPrice | OrderItem.UnitPrice | |
Quantity | OrderItem.Quantity | |
VAT | Subscription25__VAT_Code__c | Via Subscription25__Administration_Product__c and Subscription25__VAT_Code__c objects |
StartDate | OrderItem.ServiceDate | Only if it does not fall in the same month as the invoice date |
EndDate | OrderItem.EndDate | Only if it does not fall in the same month as the invoice date |
Description | OrderItem.PricebookEntry.Product2.Name – OrderItem.Description | Configurable in a custom setting: CLIENT_INVOICE_LINE_DESCRIPTION_FIELD |
Note | Configurable in a custom setting: CLIENT_INVOICE_LINE_NOTES_FIELD | |
Costcenter | Configurable in a custom setting: CLIENT_COST_CENTER_FIELD | |
Costunit | Configurable in a custom setting: CLIENT_COST_UNIT_FIELD |
Warning |
This article is out of date. We will update this soon. You now have to create an Auth. Provider of type Open ID Create a Named Credential And specify the name of that named credential on your administration |
Create OAuth Token
To set up the Salesforce to Exact Online integration, we require an OAuth Token to be present. The OAuth Token can be created by running the following piece of code in the Anonymously in the Developer Console.