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This example provides a starting point for integrating integrating GoMeddo's "activity registrationroom booking" capabilities into syour website using the Javascript SDK.

The example demonstrates this by allowing students to book a room for student housing at the Amsterdam Metropolitan University. While focused on student housing bookings, it demonstrates the process and structure needed for a range of room booking scenarios.

Overview of User Interaction on the Frontend

The dashboard of the application lists various activities available to be taken on different dates. Users can a

GoMeddo Setup


The activity itself is an existing reservation in GoMeddo.


rooms which can be filtered based on room type, price, and group size. Once a user selects a room from available rooms, they can select 'Book Now' on the UI. Users will then be prompted to input their contact information and make their reservation for the selected room.

GoMeddo setup

  • The various rooms are a resource of type room in GoMeddo with descriptions, pricing images, etc, attached to them.

  • The rooms are located in a student housing (Amsterdam Metropolitan University) which is also a resource in GoMeddo.

  • Amsterdam is the city where the rooms are located.

  • Visitors of the activity room become contacts in Salesforce using using reservation contacts.

  • Staff are the instructors.

  • Both locations and staff have availability.

  • The booking becomes a reservation in GoMeddo of type student housing.

  • The location where the activity happens is a resource in GoMeddo with a specific room is available is a resource in GoMeddo with a specific resource type

    • City: Fitness Centres are categorized by their location (e.g., Amsterdam).Fitness Centre : Within each city, specific fitness centres  are identified Amsterdam is categorized as a city.

    • Student Housing: Amsterdam Metropolitan University is categorized as a student housing.

    • Room: Specific rooms are identified within Amsterdam Metropolitan University such as (e.g., GymNow).Room (Intensity Levels): Rooms within each fitness centre are designated by intensity levels (e.g., Entry-Level Room)Single Room, Double Room), each with a type of room.

  • Custom Fields Creation: To use and display information from other objects, We we must introduce custom fields within the Salesforce reservation object, such as CenterHousing_NameLocation__c, RoomHousing_NameFeatures__c, etc. These fields are essential for getting detailed information about each activityroom.

  • Resource Details Setting:Ensure  Ensure that each resource in GoMeddo is marked as is Active and ‘'isActive' and 'Api Visible' to be displayed and available through the API.

Ensure that that resources,resources  resource types, staff and  availability periods, and reservation types are  are set up in Salesforce. For GoMeddo for the booking system to accurately display available gym classes, each class must be created as a reservation within GoMeddorooms. This step is vital as the SDK relies on these existing reservations the setup to present customers students with real-time availability and booking options to make reservations.

API Key Requirement

To access to the SDK’s functionalities, an API key from from GoMeddo is  is required. For instructions on obtaining this key, refer to to First time Set-up. Remember to to whitelist your  your domain as a part of the setup process and  grant grant privileged access  access to the API key.

Link to Github and Wiki

For further information on utilizing the GoMeddo Javascript SDK, visit [GoMeddo JS SDK wiki] and to test the frontend example explore the GitHub repository [GoMeddo Activity Registration and Scheduling].

Visual Overview

Similar use cases

  • Have your students Book meeting rooms for corporate events

  • Reserve study rooms in libraries

  • Schedule conference rooms for business meetings

  • Reserve practice rooms for music students

  • Book private rooms for therapy sessions