Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Related List


Resource Titles

Resource Titles let you show information on each resource (or other dimension) on the calendar: Show fields on calendar resources

Calendar Views

Calendar Views link views to calendars, making them available to your users. See the Calendar Views section below.

Filterable Fields

Filterable Fields let you predefine which filters apply to the resources (or other dimensions) being shown on the VisualForce multi-calendar. More info can be found here: Configure Filterable Fields

Note that the new Lightning calendars have a different way to define filters, as described here: Calendar Filters

Reservation Colors

Reservation Colors let you define the appearance of reservations based on their status or type: Reservation Colors

Reservation Display Contexts

Reservation Display Contexts define which fields to show on reservations and their hover popups. More info here: Customise the Reservation fields shown on the calendar and hovers

Note that ‘Calendar’ is an optional lookup for Reservation Display Contexts. so it is normal for this related list to be empty.

Calendar Reservation Types

Calendar Reservation Types make reservations of specific types visible on a calendar. These records are created automatically when you create a new Calendar or Reservation Type. For more info: Reservation Types

Dynamic Grouping Fields

Dynamic Grouping Fields let you display a hierarchical structure for the resources (or other dimensions) being displayed on the calendar. For more info: Dynamic Dimension Grouping

Load Availabilities Based On View

When enabled the calendar will load and process availabilities based on the time range in view. If disabled the calendar will load all availabilities.

Calendar Record Types

The Calendar object has the following record types:




View Name

The name of the record in Salesforce.


The button text to display on the calendar.

Slot Duration

The time interval between each vertical line. Examples: 00:05 = 5 minutes, 24:00 = one day, 7.00:00 = one week.

Snap Duration

The time interval when dragging an existing reservation on the calendar. Examples: 00:05 = 5 minutes.

Slot Label Format

The text that is displayed in the label of each time column. You can use the following formats: Date & Time Format Tokens

Slot Width

The width of each time slot in pixels.

View Duration

The duration of the view. Examples: 24:00 = one day, 7.00:00 = one week, 30.00:00 = one month. Special values: Year, Month, Week, Workweek.

Weekend Highlight Color

Enter a hexadecimal or CSS color code to highlight weekends. Leave blank for no highlighting.

Unique Identifier

Used to uniquely identify this view, even if it has the same label as another view. May not contain special characters, and may not start with a number.

Hide Closed Times Without Reservations

This setting has been deprecated and replaced by the Column Hiding Behavior picklist.

Column Hiding Behavior

This picklist controls which columns to hide. See Column Hiding Behavior for all the options.

Expand Events To Fill Cell

If this is checked, events shorter than a cell will be expanded to fill the entire cell. These events will get a duration bar to indicate their actual times.

Enable Subcell Availability Rendering

When enabled, cells that are only partially available will have their unavailable parts grayed out. Consider disabling this feature for performance reasons if your calendar displays a lot of cells.

Enable Availability Aware Selection

When enabled, and the user selects a cell to create a new Reservation, only the available part of the cell will be selected.

Time Range Format

The format for the time range at the top of the calendar. It is possible to specify formats for the start and end date of the calendar. Using start{<formatting tokens>} and end{<formatting tokens>} for the formatting tokens use moment.js formatting tokens ( ). example: start{ddd MMM DD} - end{ddd MMM DD, YYYY} would result in Sat Sep 01 - Mon Oct 01, 2018

Reservation Overlap

Allows reservations to overlap on the calendar. Accepts a percentage value. By default set to 0, meaning reservations occupy the full height without overlapping. Using a higher percentage will create partial overlaps. Negative percentages will add space between reservations.

Column Hiding Behaviour

You can use the Column Hiding Behavior picklist on View to control which columns are hidden on the calendar for that view.
