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Checks if two values are equal. Returns true if they are, false otherwise.

B25__Title__c == "a string"


Checks if two values are not equal. Returns true if they are not, false otherwise.

B25__Title__c != "a string"


Checks if the left value is greater than the right value. Returns true if it is, false otherwise.

B25__Capacity__c > 10


Checks if the left value is greater than or equal to the right value. Returns true if it is, false otherwise.

B25__Capacity__c >= 10


Checks if the left value is less than the right value. Returns true if it is, false otherwise.

B25__Capacity__c < 10


Checks if the left value is less than or equal to the right value. Returns true if it is, false otherwise.

B25__Capacity__c <= 10


Checks if a text value contains a specified substring. Returns true if it does, false otherwise.

B25__Title__c CONtAINS CONTAINS "a string"


Checks if a text value starts with the specified substring. Returns true if it does, false otherwise.

B25__Title__c STARTSWITH "a string"


Performs a pattern matching comparison (RegEx) between a text value and a specified pattern. Returns true if the pattern matches, false otherwise.

B25__Title__c LIKE "a string"[0-9]*" returns true if the title only contains numeric characters.

Also see:


Negates the Boolean value of an expression. Returns true if the expression is false, false if it is true.

"a string" NOT "another string" returns TRUENOT(ISBLANK(B25__Title__c)) returns FALSE if the title is empty


Checks if a field or expression is blank (empty) or null. Returns true if it is blank, false otherwise

ISBLANK(B25__Title__c) returns TRUE if the title is empty


Array index operator. Returns the element at the specified index in a list (starting with zero). For example

matchingAvailabilities[0].B25__Unavailability__c would return true if the first matching availability is marked as an unavailability.
