GoMeddo is a fully native Salesforce application, which undergoes strict Salesforce security reviews with each new release. More about this review can be found on the documentation page of Salesforce: https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/atlas.en-us.packagingGuide.meta/packagingGuide/security_review_overview.htm
What does native mean?
When we say that an application is “native” to Salesforce, it means that it is built and hosted entirely within the Salesforce platform. This means that all data, logic, and code are stored and executed within your own Salesforce environment, eliminating the need for external APIs or data integrations. If you trust Salesforce with your data, you should trust GoMeddo as well.
No, we are unable to see your data or any of the configuration configurations you’ve made. GoMeddo is installed in your existing (or in some cases new) unique Salesforce environment, and only you have access to it.
So there is definitely no connection to GoMeddo from other applications?