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sEnables developers to generate a list of timeranges for when a specific dimension scope is available.

The AvailableTimeRanges class enables developers

Use the AvailableTimeRanges class to generate a list of


time ranges for when a specific dimension scope is available. This method does not only inspect


Availability records, but also existing Reservations that might block a dimension from being booked. It is useful for answering questions like: ‘When can this room be booked?’ or ‘Given these Staff members, who is available when?’. When used for Resources, you can include Services that must be available for the booking.




This method takes a dimension scope, a date range, and a prototype Reservation. It will return a list of available time ranges mapped by date and dimension.


Code Block
global static B25.AvailableTimeRanges.Result getTimeRanges(B25.AvailableTimeRanges.Context context)


Code Block

An instance of B25.AvailableTimeRanges.Context. This class wraps the input parameters, such as the dimension scope, a date range, and a prototype Reservation.

Return Type

Code Block

An instance of B25.AvailableTimeRanges.Result. This contains a list of available time ranges mapped by date and dimension.


Code Block
public class TimeRangeSelector {

    @InvocableMethod(label='Get available time range for single day' description='Returns a result object containing start and end time for the first available time range for the given Dimension Id' category='Scheduling')
    public static List<TimeRangeResult> getTimeRangeForSingleDay(List<TimeRangeSelector.TimeRangeRequest> requests) {      
        List<TimeRangeResult> allResults = new List<TimeRangeResult>();
        for (TimeRangeRequest request : requests) {
        return allResults;
    private static TimeRangeResult getResultForRequest(TimeRangeRequest request) {
        B25.AvailableTimeRanges.Context context = TimeRangeSelector.createContext(request);
        B25.AvailableTimeRanges.Result result = B25.AvailableTimeRanges.getTimeRanges(context);
        Map<Date, List<B25.AvailableTimeRanges.TimeRange>> timeRangesForDimension = result.timeRanges.get(request.dimensionId);

        if (timeRangesForDimension != null) {
            List<B25.AvailableTimeRanges.TimeRange> timeRanges = timeRangesForDimension.get(request.inputDate);
            if (timeRanges != null && !timeRanges.isEmpty()) {
                B25.AvailableTimeRanges.TimeRange timeRange = timeRanges[0];
                TimeRangeResult timeRangeResult = new TimeRangeResult();
                timeRangeResult.startTime = timeRange.startTime;
                timeRangeResult.endTime = timeRange.endTime;
                return timeRangeResult;
        return null;

    public class TimeRangeResult {
        @InvocableVariable(Label='Start Time')
		public Time startTime;
        @InvocableVariable(Label='End Time')
		public Time endTime;

    public class TimeRangeRequest {
        @InvocableVariable(Label='Dimension Name' Required=true)
        public String dimensionName;
        @InvocableVariable(Label='Dimension Field Name' Required=true)
		public String dimensionFieldName;
        @InvocableVariable(Label='Dimension Id' Required=true)
		public Id dimensionId;
        @InvocableVariable(Label='Date' Required=true)
		public Date inputDate;

    public static B25.AvailableTimeRanges.Context createContext(TimeRangeRequest timeRangeRequest) {
        B25.AvailableTimeRanges.Context context = new B25.AvailableTimeRanges.Context();
        context.dimensionName = timeRangeRequest.dimensionName;
        context.dimensionFieldName = timeRangeRequest.dimensionFieldName;
        context.dimensionIds = new Set<Id>{timeRangeRequest.dimensionId};
        context.startDate = timeRangeRequest.inputDate;
        context.endDate = timeRangeRequest.inputDate.addDays(1);
        return context;


GoMeddo Rest API

In the GoMeddo Rest API, a similar function called Availability exists. It retrieves the opening times and reservations for a list of dimension Ids, enabling you to determine the still available locations and timeslots.