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Dimensions allow you to link multiple Resource, Staff or Group records to a single Reservation, and actually plot that Reservation to all the related records' calendars. The process of achieving this is twofold:

  1. create lookups on the Reservation object, linking the Object you want to link (Resource, Staff of Group)
  2. define Dimension Fields on that corresponding Dimension, to tell Booker25 that these fields should be plotted
  3. define Dimension Junctions on the Dimension to tell Booker25 that you have related lists that should be plotted


Dimensions are a way to let Booker25 know which objects related to a reservation are important.


The API name of a lookup from Availability to the dimension object.

For more information see this article about Availabilities

Dimension Field

Dimensions Fields are a way to let Booker25 know which lookups on a reservation are important.


Enables the advanced lookup filter on the reservation form for this dimension field.

The advanced lookup filter allows you to use autocomplete to search through valid related records. It will only show records in which the current reservation will be valid. So for example meeting rooms in closed buildings or staff that are unavailable because of holiday or sick leave will not be shown. Or if you have added a service to the reservation, it will only show records in which that service is actually available during the time of the reservation.

A known limitation of the advanced lookup filter is that it doesn't support custom lookup filters.


Controls if this dimension field gets populated with the related record id when creating a new reservation on the calendar.


  • Never - The field will not be populated
  • Only when on form - The field will only be populated if it is visible on the reservation form
  • Only when on form and required - Same as above but only if the field is required on the form
  • Always - The field will always be populated, even if it isn't visible on the form


Defines the behavior when Reservations are saved outside of the available times for the related dimension record.

  • None - Allow the Reservation to be saved
  • Soft - Allow the Reservation to be saved, but show a warning to the user and enter a Conflict record in the database
  • Hard - Don't allow the Reservation to be saved, and show an error message to the user

For more information, see this article about Conflict Checking, and this article about Availabilities


Defines the behavior when double bookings are detected for Reservations in this Dimension.

  • None - Allow the Reservation to be saved
  • Soft - Allow the Reservation to be saved, but show a warning to the user and enter a Conflict record in the database
  • Hard - Don't allow the Reservation to be saved, and show an error message to the user

For more information, see this article about Conflict Checking.


Defines the behavior when a Reservation's quantity exceeds the Dimension's capacity.

  • None - Allow the Reservation to be saved
  • Soft - Allow the Reservation to be saved, but show a warning to the user and enter a Conflict record in the database
  • Hard - Don't allow the Reservation to be saved, and show an error message to the user

For more information, see this article about Conflict Checking.


1: Can also be a cross-object reference or a checkbox formula on Reservation. However the latter will not be set yet when working from the Reservation Form UI.
2: Required when Enforce Capacity Check is enabled.
3: Can also be a number formula, and can also be a cross-object reference.

Dimension Junction

Dimensions Junctions are a way to let Booker25 know which junctions between a dimension and a reservation are important.


A junction object is an object that sits in between two other objects (i.e. it has a lookup to each of the two objects). This creates a many-to-many relationship between those objects. For more information, see


  • Make this list visible on the reservation form
  • Make the reservation visible on the contact calendar for each contact in the list
  • (Optional) Make Booker25 detect and prevent double bookings for these contacts.


Defines the behavior when Reservations are saved outside of the available times for the related dimension record.

  • None - Allow the Reservation to be saved
  • Soft - Allow the Reservation to be saved, but show a warning to the user and enter a Conflict record in the database
  • Hard - Don't allow the Reservation to be saved, and show an error message to the user

For more information, see this article about Conflict Checking, and this article about Availabilities


Defines the behavior when double bookings are detected for Reservations in this Dimension.

  • None - Allow the Reservation to be saved
  • Soft - Allow the Reservation to be saved, but show a warning to the user and enter a Conflict record in the database
  • Hard - Don't allow the Reservation to be saved, and show an error message to the user

For more information, see this article about Conflict Checking.


1: Can also be a cross-object reference or a checkbox formula on Reservation. However the latter will not be set yet when working from the Reservation Form UI.

Trigger hook

For every Dimension Junction you create, make sure you also create a Trigger for its object, which calls the following method: B25.DimensionJunctionTriggerHook.execute()

This makes Booker25 check permissions on the object. Make sure to replace <Dimension_Junction_API_Name> with the actual API name of your object, and <Trigger_Name> with a name that makes sense to you.

Code Block
trigger <Trigger_Name> on <Dimension_Junction_API_Name> (before insert, before update, before delete, after insert, after update, after delete, after undelete) {

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cqllabel = "kb-how-to-article" and type = "page" and space = "BPD"




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