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Booker25 GoMeddo is 100% Salesforce Education Data Architecture (EDA) Compliant. This means that you can use Booker25 GoMeddo on top of EDA, and even extend EDA functionality! Think of using the Booker25 GoMeddo Scheduler for scheduling actual classroom sessions, based on Course OfferingsCourse Offering Schedules and Course Connections for example.


How you want to do this exactly will largely depend on the actual requirements and already existing implementation, but in essence you can feed information from Course OfferingsCourse Offering Schedules and Course Connections into the Booker25 GoMeddo Reservation Template object. This object is similar to Course Offering Schedules and Time Blocks, in the way that it contains abstract information regarding when courses take place, where they take place (which classroom / faculty), who teaches them and which students are enrolled for each course.


This information can the be used by the Booker25 GoMeddo Scheduler to generate actual classroom sessions in the Booker25 GoMeddo Reservation and Reservation Contact objects. Those sessions will then be linked to classrooms (Booker25GoMeddo Resource) and teachers (Booker25GoMeddo Staff), making them visible on each respective calendar. In turn, those sessions can then be used to interact with students (Chatter), upload homework (Salesforce Files) and mark student attendance (Attendance Event) for example.


The following video shows an example of howe a University Scheduler can use Booker25 to schedule EDA Course Offerings into actual classroom session with Booker25: Widget Connectorurlhow a Student Experience: where student has access to his of her schedule, how they can then schedule activities on campus and how all of this relates back to the Customer 360 profile in Salesforce.
