Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Make sure to enable the following Record Types on your Profiles and Permission Sets:


Single Resource Calendar

Multi Resource Calendar


Reservation Title

Resource Title


Single Resource Calendar View


You can define what your calendars look like, by configuring Calendar records and linking them to Views using the Calendar Views related list. This article details the configuration options for these objects.

Some fields might not be visible in your org, because they have not been added to the page layout. If you’re not sure how to add fields to a page layout, check out this trailhead module.

Setting up a view

As seen in the video, setting up a view for our calendar requires the following steps:

  1. Go to Calendars

  2. Select the calendar you want to add a view to (in our case Resources)

  3. Go to Related tab

  4. Go to Calendar Views

  5. Click New

  6. Select one of the packaged views (or create a new) for day view, (optionally) make it default and make it the first button

  7. Save

  8. Go back to your Resource Calendar and refresh the page

  9. Day view is now available

Dynamic grouping fields

  1. Select the basis of the grouping (in our example Account)

  2. Go to Calendars

  3. Go to the Calendar where you are planning on making the grouping (in our example Contacts)

  4. Go to Related tab

  5. Go to Dynamic grouping fields

  6. Click New

  7. Fill in the Dynamic Grouping Field Name field with the basis of the grouping that you defined prior (in our example AccountId)

  8. Select Default 

  9. Save

  10. Go back to your Calendar and refresh the page

  11. Grouping is now active


This object defines what information is shown on a reservation on the calendar.


Always make sure the mentioned fields and related lists are added to the object's page layout before you continue.




Calendar Name

The name of the


calendar record that allows you to recognise it


The Dimension plotted on this calendar

Default Background Color



background color for reservation that have no Reservation Colors


defined for them.

Default Text Color



text color for reservation that have no Reservation Colors


defined for them.

Default Border Color



border color for reservation that have no Reservation Colors defined for them.

Prevent Horizontal Drag

Prevent users from dragging reservations to a new time on the same resource. You can still change the resource. Currently only supported on multi-calendars

Prevent Vertical Drag

Prevent users from dragging reservations to a resource. You can still change the reservation's time. Currently only supported on multi calendars.

Show Unlinked Reservation Types

When checked,


reservations of types not linked to the Calendar will also be visible on the calendar. For


linking Reservation Types to Calendars


see: Reservation Types

Display In User Timezone

Enabling this setting will display reservations at the time they occur for the user viewing the calendar, instead of the local time.

Group Overlapping Reservations

If more than this number of reservations overlap on the calendar, they will be grouped into a single block that can be expanded.


Load Availabilities Based On View

When enabled the calendar will load and process availabilities based on the time range in view. If disabled the calendar will load all availabilities.

Enable Multi Selection

When enabled this feature allows for selecting multiple resources. To select a range, hold SHIFT and drag, or to select multiple resources individually, hold CTRL/CMD and click. To specify what happens when multiple selections are made see Multi Selection Type.

Multi Selection Type

Specifies what happens when multiple selections are made.

  • Reservations: multiple reservations: Opens the reservation form with multiple independent reservations.

  • Parent Child Reservations: Opens the reservation form with multiple reservations treating the first selection as the parent and the rest as child reservations.

  • Junctions: one reservation with multiple junctions: Opens the reservation form as normal but instead of filling in a field it will add all selected dimensions as junction records. (requires a dimension junction to be configured)

Calendar related lists

Calendars have the following related lists:

Related List


Resource Titles

Resource Titles let you show information on each resource (or other dimension) on the calendar: Show fields on calendar resources

Calendar Views

Calendar Views link views to calendars, making them available to your users. See the Calendar Views section below.

Filterable Fields

Filterable Fields let you predefine which filters apply to the resources (or other dimensions) being shown on the VisualForce multi-calendar. More info can be found here: Configure Filterable Fields

Note that the new Lightning calendars have a different way to define filters, as described here: Calendar Filters

Reservation Colors

Reservation Colors let you define the appearance of reservations based on their status or type: Reservation Colors

Reservation Display Contexts

Reservation Display Contexts define which fields to show on reservations and their hover popups. More info here: Customise the Reservation fields shown on the calendar and hovers

Note that ‘Calendar’ is an optional lookup for Reservation Display Contexts. so it is normal for this related list to be empty.

Calendar Reservation Types

Calendar Reservation Types make reservations of specific types visible on a calendar. These records are created automatically when you create a new Calendar or Reservation Type. For more info: Reservation Types

Dynamic Grouping Fields

Dynamic Grouping Fields let you display a hierarchical structure for the resources (or other dimensions) being displayed on the calendar. For more info: Dynamic Dimension Grouping

Calendar Record Types

The Calendar object has the following record types:

Record Type

API Name

Corresponding Page Layout


Multi Resource Calendar


Multi Resource Calendar Layout

Configures a calendar showing multiple resources (or other dimensions).

Single Resource Calendar


Single Resource Calendar Layout

Configures a calendar showing one resource (or other dimension).

Schedule Calendar


Schedule Calendar Layout

Configures a schedule calendar. More info: Scheduler


This object defines what a calendar looks like. For example: you can define the length of slots, the drag interval of reservations on the calendar and how long a view takes (a day, 2 days, a week, etc..)


Always make sure the mentioned fields and related list are added to the object's page layout before you continue.




View Name

The name of the record in Salesforce.


The button text to display on the calendar.

Slot Duration

The time interval between each vertical line. Examples: 00:05 = 5 minutes, 24:00 = one day, 7.00:00 = one week.

Snap Duration

The time interval when dragging an existing reservation on the calendar. Examples: 00:05 = 5 minutes.

Slot Label Format

The text that is displayed in the label of each time column.


You can use the following formats: Date & Time Format Tokens

Slot Width

The width of each time slot in pixels.

View Duration

The duration of the view. Examples: 24:00 = one day, 7.00:00 = one week, 30.00:00 = one month. Special values: Year, Month, Week, Workweek.

Weekend Highlight Color

Enter a hexadecimal or CSS color code to highlight weekends. Leave blank for no highlighting.

Unique Identifier

Used to uniquely identify this view, even if it has the same label as another view. May not contain special characters, and may not start with a number



Hide Closed Times Without Reservations

This setting has been deprecated and replaced by the Column Hiding Behavior picklist.

Column Hiding Behavior

This picklist controls which columns to hide. See Column Hiding Behavior for all the options.

Expand Events To Fill Cell

If this is checked, events shorter than a cell will be expanded to fill the entire cell. These events will get a duration bar to indicate their actual times.

Hide Duration Bar

When using the settings “Expand Events To Fill Cell”, you can use this setting to hide the duration bar which indicates the actual duration of the reservation.

Enable Subcell Availability Rendering

When enabled, cells that are only partially available will have their unavailable parts grayed out. Consider disabling this feature for performance reasons if your calendar displays a lot of cells.

Enable Availability Aware Selection

When enabled, and the user selects a cell to create a new Reservation, only the available part of the cell will be selected.

Time Range Format

The format for the time range at the top of the calendar. It is possible to specify formats for the start and end date of the calendar. Using start{<formatting tokens>} and end{<formatting tokens>} for the formatting tokens use moment.js formatting tokens ( ). example: start{ddd MMM DD} - end{ddd MMM DD, YYYY} would result in Sat Sep 01 - Mon Oct 01, 2018




Allows reservations to overlap on the calendar. Accepts a percentage value. By default set to 0, meaning reservations occupy the full height without overlapping. Using a higher percentage will create partial overlaps. Negative percentages will add space between reservations.

Hide Current Time Indicator

Allows you to hide the red line indicating the current time. On the multi calendar you can then use the time headers to highlight the current time there instead.

Disable Progressive Event Rendering

Disables rendering the reservations when scrolling, this allows you to render them all up front, improves scrolling behaviour but has an impact on performance.

Column Hiding Behaviour

You can use the Column Hiding Behavior picklist on View to control which columns are hidden on the calendar for that view.



Don’t hide anything

No columns are hidden.

Hide closed times

Hide any columns where all of the rows are closed.

Hide closed times without reservations

Same as above, but if a column has a reservation don’t hide it.

Hide times outside of start/end

If the view has start/end times, hide all columns outside of those times.

Hide times outside of start/end, without reservations

Same as above, but if a column has a reservation don’t hide it.

Hide all times without reservations

Hide all columns, except the ones that have a reservation.

Don’t hide anything

No columns are hidden. Notice that the view shows the full day from 00:00 until 24:00.


Hide closed times

Hide any columns where all of the rows are closed. The view now starts at 07:00 (when the first resource opens) and ends at 18:00 (when the last resource closes).


Hide closed times without reservations

Same as above, but if a column has a reservation don’t hide it. Notice that the view now starts at 02:00 to include the reservation taking place while the resource is closed.


Hide times outside of start/end

If the view has start/end times, hide all columns outside of those times. In the example below, the start time has been set to 08:00 and the end time to 19:00. Notice that the column from 18:00 until 19:00 is shown even though all resources are closed.


Hide times outside of start/end, without reservations

Same as above, but if a column has a reservation don’t hide it. Notice that the view now starts at 02:00 to include the reservation taking place while the resource is closed.


Hide all times without reservations

Hide all columns, except the ones that have a reservation. Notice that the view starts at 02:00 (when the first reservation starts) and ends at 13:00 (when the last reservation ends).


View related lists

Views have the following related lists:

Related List


Calendar Views

Calendar Views link views to calendars, making them available to your users. See the Calendar Views section below.


Reservation Display Contexts define which fields to show on reservations and their hover popups. More info here: Customise the Reservation fields shown on the calendar and hovers

Note that ‘View’ is an optional lookup for Reservation Display Contexts. so it is normal for this related list to be empty.

Time Headers

Time Headers let you (optionally) customize what values are displayed in the header of each column on the calendar view. For more info: Time Headers

Calendar Views (junction between Calendars and Views)

This object allows you to link Calendars with Views. Basically, this defines the calendar view buttons (for example: Day / Week / Month) that you show on each calendar and their order.


Always make sure the mentioned fields and related list are added to the object's page layout before you continue.


Reservation Titles (child of Calendars)

This object allows you to show multiple lines of information on the calendar reservations.


Always make sure the mentioned fields and related list are added to the object's page layout before you continue.


titleDate format tokens
  • yyyy - full year: 2013
  • MMMM - full month name string: January
  • MMM - short month name string: Jan
  • MM - two-digit month number: 01
  • M - month number: 1
  • dddd - day of week string: Monday
  • ddd - short day of week string: Mo
  • dd - two-digit day of month number: 09
  • d - day of month number: 9
  • HH - two-digit hours, 24-hour clock: 23
  • H - hours, 24-hour clock: 23
  • hh - two-digit hours, 12-hour clock: 11
  • h - hours, 12-hour clock: 11
  • tt - AM/PM string
  • mm - two-digit minutes: 08
  • m - minutes: 8
  • ss - two-digit seconds: 07
  • s - seconds: 7



Calendar View Name

The name of the record in Salesforce.


The calendar on which this button appears.


The view it should show on the calendar.

Button Order

Defines where the button for this view is displayed on the calendar. Lower = to the left; Higher = to the right.

Default View


Reservation Displays (junction between Views and Resource Types)

This object defines which fields are shown when users hover over a reservation with their mouse.


Always make sure the mentioned fields and related list are added to the object's page layout before you continue.


Makes this View the default for the calendar it is on.

Filter by label (Content by label)


labelscalendar calendar-view view views calendars calendar-views
cqllabel in ( "calendar-view" , "view" , "calendar" , "calendars" , "calendar-views" , "views" ) and type = "page" and space = "BPD"




titleOn this page
