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Displays a Lightning multi calendar on a record page.

Component Description

This component displays a Lightning multi calendar. It is only available for record pages. If you include this in


an Experience Cloud, make sure it is on a record page.


See this article for more information on how to Add a Calendar to a Record Page.

General Properties

Whether the component is added to


an Experience Cloud or not, the following properties are always available:






The component will take its configuration from the selected calendar record. Only calendars of record type Multi Resource Calendar will be shown.

Max Height


The maximum height of the calendar in pixels.

Lookup to Dimension


A lookup on the record that points towards the dimension you want to display. More info below.

Child Dimensions to Display


A related list which contains dimensions you want to display. More info below.

Filter identifier


Calendars with the same identifier share their filters. When empty, defaults to the name of the selected calendar.



Experience Cloud Properties

When added to


an Experience Cloud, the following additional properties are available:




Record ID


The id of the record the component is located on. Enter {!recordId} to automatically pass the id of the current record to the component.

Object Name


The object name of the current record. Enter {!objectApiName} to automatically pass the object name of the current record to the component.


Controlling what the calendar displays

You can use the two inputs Lookup to Dimension


and Child Dimensions to Display to control what the calendar displays.

If both these inputs are empty, the calendar component will display


all records belonging to the dimension of the selected calendar. This means


that if the Staff calendar is selected, the component will display all Staff records that the user has access to.

If Lookup to Dimension is filled in on the component, the component will display the related record contained in that lookup. So for example if you place this component on a


record page


with a ‘Resource’ lookup, the


If Lookup to Dimension is filled in, the calendar component will display for whichever record that lookup points to. So let’s say the Staff record from the example above has a lookup ‘Building’ which points to a resource, that record will be used to display the calendar. The available times and the displayed reservations will be of the related building instead of the Staff record whose page you are on.

In the above example with the related building, if that building contains multiple rooms that you want to display, you should use the Multi Calendar component instead of the Single Calendar.


On this page


calendar will display the resource that the current record is related to. If that happens to be a parent resource, such as a building with multiple meeting rooms, all those child meeting rooms will also be displayed.

Child Dimensions to Display is very similar to Lookup to Dimension, except instead of a related parent record, it lets you choose a list of child records to display. For example, if a custom object ‘Store’ has a lookup ‘Manager’, you can select the ‘Stores’ child list to display all the stores that a manager is related to.

Record Access and Filters

Records that the user does not have access to because of sharing rules, will never be displayed.

The user can narrow down which of the available records are being displayed by using the filter options on the calendar. As an admin you can control which filter options are available to users, described here: Calendar Filters.

If you want to narrow down even further which records are available for display, you can wrap the component inside your own, and pass your own filters to the component, explained here: Wrapping Calendar Components.