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Booker25 GoMeddo comes with flow templates that you can clone and adjust to your specific needs. This article explains the purpose of each flow template.

Default Reservation Flow Template


This flow template is a blueprint for flows that can make changes to a single reservation. This can be useful for example to pre-populate data on a new reservation. Some features that use this technique are:

Run a Flow when creating a new Reservation

Time Slot Picker

The flow has a single variable named reservation which is available for input and output. When this flow gets triggered by one of the above features, this variable will hold the reservation being created.


After cloning this template, add your own steps in order to populate the reservation with any data required for your use case.

Default Standalone Reservation Form Flow Template

This flow is similar to the previous one flow (Default Reservation Flow Template). This flow is a blueprint that can be used for configuration on the standalone reservation form. Besides the reservation variable also present in the other flow, this one has an extra input variable named contextRecordId. This variable will hold the id of the record on which page the standalone form is being displayed. For more information, see: Add the standalone Reservation Form to a record page or Salesforce Mobile

Default Dynamic Hover Field Flow Template

This flow template is a blueprint for flows that can display dynamically generated information when hovering over a Reservation or a Resource (or other dimension) on a calendar. More information can be found in the relevant article: Add fields and related lists to the hover

Send Cancel Email


This flow template is inactive by default. To activate it, first open it and then select Save As. This clones the template, after which you can activate your clone.


This very simple flow sends out the Booker25 email template named Reservation Canceled, when a reservation gets deleted. It sends the email to the contact linked to the reservation in the field B25__Contact__c.

If you to change the text of the email being sent, you can simply edit the contents of the email template. If you want to send to a different recipient, or if you want to send a different email template, you can edit the Email Alert named Send Cancel Email.

Keep in mind that if you change the recipient of the email, it is advisable to modify the entry conditions of the flow to check that the recipient field is not empty. The unmodified version of the flow does this for the B25__Contact__c field:


Send New or Updated Reservation Confirmation


This flow template is inactive by default. To activate it, first open it and then select Save As. This clones the template, after which you can activate your clone.


This flow template is designed to trigger whenever a reservation is created or updated. It will first check if it has to send an email for either a new or an updated reservation.

A ‘new reservation’ email will be sent out not only when a new reservation is created, but also when the recipient has changed (B25__Contact__c by default). In that case the new contact will receive a ‘new reservation’ email.


An ‘updated reservation’ email will be sent out only if something relevant has changed on the reservation, such as the start or end time, or the resource in which the reservation takes place.

If other things should trigger an ‘updated reservation’ email for your organization, you can edit the ‘updated reservation’ outcome in the ‘which email should be sent?’ decision (pictured below).


By default, this flow will send out the email template named Reservation Details for new reservations, and Reservation Updated for changed reservations. If you want to change the text of the emails being sent, you can simply edit the contents of these email templates. If you want to use different email templates, you can edit the two ‘set template for new/updated reservation’ assignments:


If you want to change which field on the reservation contains the recipient (B25__Contact__c by default), you will need to update the flow in these places:


The entry condition which checks if that field is empty (in the start element of the flow)


The ‘data missing’ outcome that checks if the recipient’s email address is empty


The ‘new reservation’ outcome that checks if the recipient has changed

The Recipient Field in the ‘send email’ Apex action:
