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titleImmediately add all group members as reservation contacts when selecting a group.
Code Block
global with sharing class MyFormLogic implements B25.FormAPIForm.CustomizableCustomizer {
    global void customize(B25.Form form) {
        // Trigger MyGroupHandler when the Group field changes
        form.getField(B25__Reservation__c.B25__Group__c).onUpdate(new MyGroupHandler());
    global with sharing class MyGroupHandler implementsextends B25.FormAPI.EventHandlerFormEventHandler {
        global override void handleEvent(B25.FormEvent event, B25.Form form) {
            // Get all members that belong to the group
            Id newGroupId = (Id) event.getNewValue();
            List<B25__Group_Membership__c> groupMembers = [SELECT B25__Contact__c FROM B25__Group_Membership__c WHERE B25__Group__c = :newGroupId];

            // Loop through the members and add the contact to the reservation contacts
            for(B25__Group_Membership__c groupMember : groupMembers){
                B25__ReservationContact__c reservationContact = new B25__ReservationContact__c();
                reservationContact.B25__Contact__c = groupMember.B25__Contact__c;
            //This updates the quantity of the reservation to the amount of contacts in the group 
titleAdd an extra option to the reservation contact search that adds all contacts linked to the selected account as reservation contacts
Code Block
global class ReservationContactAddedHandler extends B25.FormEventHandler {
    global override void handleEvent(B25.FormEvent event, B25.Form form) {
        B25__Reservation__c reservation = form.getReservation();
        if (reservation.B25__Account__c == null || event.getNewValue() != 'all-contacts') {
        for (Contact contact : [SELECT Id FROM Contact WHERE AccountId = :reservation.B25__Account__c]) {
        	form.getRelatedList(B25__ReservationContact__c.SObjectType).addRecord(new B25__ReservationContact__c(
            	B25__Contact__c = contact.Id
Code Block
global class ReservationContactSearchHandler implementsextends B25.SearchContext.HandlerSearchHandler {
	global override B25.SearchResult.CollectionSearchResultCollection getSearchResults(B25.SearchContext searchContext) {
    	B25.SearchResult.Collection searchCollection = searchContext.getDefaultResults();
        B25.SearchResult.Collection updatedCollection = new B25.SearchResult.Collection();
        if (searchContext.form.getReservation().B25__Account__c != null) {
                new B25.SearchResult('all-contacts', 'Add all contacts linked to current account')
        return updatedCollection;
