In order to start using Booker25, you first need to create a Resource Typehierarchy, followed by a Resourcehierarchy.
The Resource Type hierarchy allows you to define an overall structure of your organisation, reflecting the type of resources you want to manage and how these are structured. For example: meeting rooms, which are located in a building, within a city, within a country.
You can then use the Resource hierarchy to represent what your physical organisation actually looks like: which meeting rooms are located in which cities, within which countries.
A fresh Booker25 installation automatically creates a Resource Type Rentable Resource and two Resources Sample Resource 1 & Sample Resource 2. These serve example purposes only and should be deleted. You may start by deleting the Resources, followed by the Resource Type. Make sure no reservations have been created on any of the Resources.
You can delete them by going to the Resources tab in the Booker25, selecting the Resource (Type), navigating to its Details subtab and clicking Delete.
1. Set up your Resource Type hierarchy
Navigate to the Booker25 app, either in Salesforce Classic or in Salesforce Lightning
Click on the Resources & Types tab
Click on the Resource Types subtab in the left column
Add children by clicking on the arrow next to a node, or by clicking the New Child button
Specify a Name and Icon that will be shown on the calendar
Click Save
A typical Resource Type Hierarchy may look like this:
Notice the last children in the tree, these have the Is Reservable checkbox checked on their Details page. This means they will be reservable on the calendar and in the widget
Reservable Resource Types require you to define where they get their opening hours from (Availability defined At - used in 3. Set up Availabilities -) and allow you to define a Default Price, Day Capacity Calculation & Default price calculation
Once you have set up you organisation's Resource Type hierarchy (the overall backbone of your organisation), you can start creating the actual Resource hierarchy. This process is similar to the one of creating the Resource Type hierarchy.
2. Set up your Resource hierarchy
Navigate to the Booker25 app, either in Salesforce Classic or in Salesforce Lightning
Click on the Resource tab
Click on the Resources subtab in the left column
Add children by clicking on the arrow next to a node, or by clicking the New Child button
Depending on where you are in the tree, you will be able to select which Type the Resource is
Make sure each Resource has a Timezone
Finally, define Opening Times on resources from which Resource Types take their availability. This can be done from a resource's Related tab and will allow you to actually book resources on the calendar.
3. Set up Availabilities
Now that you have set up your Resources, you can define their Availabilities (opening times). This is explained in the following article: Set Resource availability.