Einstein Prediction Builder

Einstein Prediction Builder

Use GoMeddo with the Einstein Prediction Builder to predict no-shows, cancellations, or other values.

Setup Einstein Predicition Builder

Navigate to Setup > Einstein Prediction Builder and click New Prediction.

  1. Give the prediction a name, for example “No Show Prediction”

    Screenshot 2024-05-21 at 15.52.38.png

    Make sure to mark it a Yes/No prediction.

  2. Specify the Reservation object as the object you want to use to predict

    Screenshot 2024-05-21 at 15.53.05.png

  3. Determine which data points are yes or no. Then, predict past data that was not a “no-show” and data that is not a “no-show.” For instance, filter based on a Boolean field that determines the a no-show record.

  4. Ensure that the appropriate fields are included to effectively identify which reservations are likely to be no-shows.

  5. Specify a score field name:


  6. And Build the model based (top-right):





The model requires adjustments based on the number and variety of fields incorporated. A diverse dataset enhances prediction accuracy. Notably, no two implementations are identical. Add relevant fields to improve prediction results and remove those that are irrelevant.