Add a Calendar to a page

Add a Calendar to a page

GoMeddo calendars exists in different forms and can be added to different page types. The following table describes the different types and where you can place them


Page types


Page types

Multi Calendar
Displays multiple records of a Dimension as multiple lines in a calendar. On the top horizontal axis it will show all the time information as column headers, and on the left vertical axis it will show all the records as row headers.

A Record Page

A Lightning App Page

Can be wrapped in an Aura-component so that you can add your own version of the calendar

Wrapping Calendar Components | B25:multiCalendarWrapper

Single Calendar
Displays a single Dimension record in a calendar (a calendar for just one record). On the top horizontal axis it will show the days as column headers, and on the left vertical axis it will show the time slots as row headers.

A Record Page


Can be wrapped in an Aura-component so that you can add your own version of the calendar
Wrapping Calendar Components | B25:singleCalendarWrapper

Mobile Calendar
Used for displaying a single Dimension record in a day view on the Salesforce Mobile app.


A Record Page

A Lightning App Builder Page

Can be wrapped in an Aura-component so that you can add your own version of the calendar.

Scheduler Calendar
The Scheduler allows you to create an abstract schedule of a period of time (e.g. a week) which repeats over time. This is specially useful for course-scheduling or other complex scheduling and allows you to plan complex schedules with relative ease.

For the Schedule components, see: Scheduler


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