Social25 Heroku Message Data

Social25 Heroku Message Data

Heroku Message contents

This is the complete data model of all objects contained in the Social25 package. Using the Salesforce Bulk API records will get created in the Salesforce instance in the Social25__Heroku_Message__c object. Records that get inserted always contain the same structure but contain different data.

All examples are for text messages, attachment message don't differ that much from a text message. The difference will be that Social25__Content_Url__c, Social25__Mime_Type__c, Social25__File_Type__c and Social25__Media_Title__c will be filed with file information. If an accompanying text has been sent this can be found in the Social25__Text__c field. 

Facebook Messenger

	"Social25__Text__c":"Hi, how are you?",
	"Social25__User_Full_Name__c":"Clara Oswald",

Whatsapp & Whatsapp Business

	"Social25__Text__c":"Text message",
	"Social25__User_Full_Name__c":"Clara Oswald",


   "Social25__Text__c":"Simple text message",
   "Social25__User_First_Name__c":"Clara Oswald",


   "Social25__Text__c":"Hi, can you do something for me?",
   "Social25__User_First_Name__c":"Clara Oswald",


   "Social25__Text__c":"This is the information that will be provided if a customer uses Line",
   "Social25__User_First_Name__c":"Clara Oswald",


Data will be added soon.


Data will be added soon.


Coming soon.

More information about the configuration of the Social25 Package can be found on Configuring the Social25 Package page. 

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