Install new package


Every time you edit the journey the custom activity for Social25 has to be removed from the journey builder and added back in. Failing to do so will result in outbound messages not being created because the journey builder does not pass through data. We are looking into a solution to Validate the Social25 custom activity before publishing the journey.

Create a new package

For the custom activity, Social25Connector to be available in the journey builder it is necessary to create a new Installed Package and new component.

For that go to Setup wich is located in your top right corner in the hidden menu under the username.

Then in Platform Tools go to Apps > Installed Packages and the click New.

Add an intuitive name e.g. "Social25Connector".

After the package is created click Add Component and choose Journey Builder Activity.

And fill in the required fields:

If the save is successful, the result should be a page similar to this:

Data Extensions

The data extensions created require the following fields:

FieldMerge field
Client first name{FirstName}
Client last name{LastName}
Client phone number{PhoneNumber}

Social25 Configuration

For Social25 to be able to process the messages generated from marketing cloud journeys, we need the following data:

Unique KeyUnique key copied from the new component created.
Environmentdev, acc, prod
Whatsapp number(s)The business number(s) connected to the templates.
Approved templatesThese templates with merge fields need to be approved by Whatsapp beforehand.

Usually, an email to, with as subject Social25 / SFMC subscription request with the data above.

Relate outbound messages to social personas

To successfully relate outbound messages to social personas, first create social personas for the contacts that will be contacted through Marketing Cloud. This can be done in various ways which are described in the documentation for each channel. Most importantly, the User Identifier for those contacts should already be known in the system when inbound messages are received.

From Social25 V2.60 we have introduced a feature to also relate initial outbound messages.

To relate the initial outbound messages to social personas, contacts and account, enable Relate outbound messages to Account/Contact and Social Persona in the Accounts section.


Example template:

Hello {FirstName},


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