How do I set-up my WABA and how do I connect a phone number (international numbers)?

This article only applies if you have direct access to the WhatsApp Manager via the Facebook Business Manager. If you are using a broker, please reach out to

Setting up an account for use with Social25

What information do I need to provide to prepare my WABA for phone numbers?

  1. Open the WhatsApp manager.
  2. Tell us the phone numbers and business names of all the accounts.
  3. Navigate to Template Manager.
  4. Copy the namespace and send it to us.

Adding phone numbers

In order to add a new number to your WABA follow these steps:

  1. Per phone number download the certificate.
  2. Send it to us
  3. Have the SIM ready in the phone
  4. We will register the account. And you will receive an SMS with a code that we need
  5. You tell us the code
  6. We will configure the account in Social25
  7. Fill in profile info per WhatsApp number
  8. Fill in the payment method (needed to start using HSM Templates since these templates have cost involved charged to you by Facebook)

WABA Limits

Please note that a WABA can have a maximum of 5 phone numbers connected to it.

Help I can't find my Namespace ID

The namespace ID can be found here:

  1. Go to
  2. Click on WhatsApp Accounts:
  3. Open the WhatsApp account
  4. Click on WhatsApp Manager
  5. Then click on Message Templates
  6. Click on the Namespace icon, the namespace will be displayed, please send it to us
  7. Under "Phone Numbers" you can see what numbers belong to the namespace.

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