Connect your Einstein Bot to Social25

Connect your Einstein Bot to Social25

This functionality is currently in Beta. For any questions, reach out to support@gen25.com

Follow the steps in this article to connect your Einstein Bot to our messenger system

In this article we assume you already have done the following things

Create a Connected App

  1. Create a connected app following Configure Basic Connected App Settings and Enable OAuth Setting for API Integration with these OAuth scopes:

    • Access chatbot services (chatbot_api): Required. This scope enables access to the Einstein Bots services.

    • Perform requests at any time (refresh_token, offline_access): Required. This scope permits you to get an OAuth access token.

  2. Add the following callback url: https://einstein.social25.chat/api/v1/callback

  3. Save your Connected App

  4. Take a note of your Consumer Key and Consumer Secret

Create a Bot Connection

  1. In the Connections section of the Update the Bot Overview Page click Add and fill in the fields:

    1. Connection: Select API.

    2. Integration Name: Add a unique name for this bot API and Connected App integration, for example, “Einstein Bots Open API”. A maximum of 128 characters is allowed.

    3. Connected App: Select the name of the OAuth-enabled connected app that you created in “Create a connected app”

  2. Note the Runtime Base URL

  3. Click Save.

Contact Social25 Support

  1. Send an email to support@gen25.com with the following details:

    1. Your Org ID

    2. The Platform/Channel name you want connect your bot to

      1. You can find this is the configuration wizard, in the Channels section

    3. The Einstein Bot ID

      1. You can find this in the URL of the bot: https://<your-org-name>.lightning.force.com/chatbots/botBuilder.app#/bot/dialogs/detail?botId=<this-is-the-bot-ID>&versionId=<version-ID>&dialogId=<dialog-ID>

    4. The Consumer Key and Consumer Secret of the Connected App you previously created

    5. The Runtime Base URL you noted previously

  2. You will receive a reply with a URL to a salesforce login. Login with the user credentials you want the bot to use to acces your Salesforce environment.

  3. Activate your Einstein Bot


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