How to create a custom invoice layout
Default template
GoMeddo Subscription Management provides you want a standard layout which has limited customisation options. For now, you can:
Upload your logo in the administration
Upload your footer image in the administration
Change the terms and condition URL
You need to upload a file to the attachments of the Administration, that is prefixed with Logo_ or Footer_ so GoMeddo Subscription Management will know which images to capture.
The layout of the default template is as follows:
Custom template
To create a custom Invoice Layout you need to create a visualforce page that is rendered as a PDF. This page needs to have the GoMeddo Subscription Management Invoice object as it standardController. You can extend this with a custom class to get additional functionalities in the pdf.
<apex:page standardController="Subscription25__Invoice__c" renderAs="pdf" sidebar="false" showHeader="false" applyBodyTag="false">
Invoice Date: {!Subscription25__Invoice__c.Subscription25__Invoice_Date__c}
To use this template you must create an “Invoice template record” in GoMeddo Subscription Management and assign it to the administrations in which you want to use this template. This allows you to create different layouts for different administrations.
The Name of the Invoice Layout is your reference to this record.
The page name is the API name of your VisualforcePage. Don’t forget to add the c__ before the name.
One record can be the fallback record which will be used if there is no layout assigned to the administration.
It is important to start the Page name with c__ to indicate to Salesforce that this is a custom namespace visualforce page. The full name of the item will be c__<VisualForceApiName>.
On your administration, you should have a related list called Administration Invoice Layouts in which you should create a record to link this template to that administration.
You can also use the following template
Next up
Now you can setup