Value | Description | Default Value | ||||||
1 | AUTO_CREATE_UBL | Indicates if the UBL file should be created when the invoice file is created. See more about the UBL here: http://www.datypic.com/sc/ubl21/e-ns39_Invoice.html | FALSE | |||||
2 | AUTO_INVOICE_FILTER_FIELD | If only part of the orders should be invoiced you can reference the name of a field to only invoice the orders where this field is true.
| ||||||
| None | |||||
5 | AUTOMATIC_INVOICE_DELAY | Only automatically create invoices for orders that have been in the system for at least this number of days. | 7 | |||||
6 | CASCADE_VAT_EXEMPT | Indicates if the company VAT Exemption should be cascaded to all the contacts | TRUE | |||||
7 | CHECK_VAT_NUMBER_ON_ACCOUNT_USAGE | Makes the VAT number required for customers in a different country within the EU. This check will be applied when a contract or order is created. | TRUE | |||||
8 | CLIENT_ARTICLE_FIELD | Custom field that can contain the name of the Article that should be used in Exact. | FALSE | |||||
9 | CLIENT_BIC_FIELD | Copies the value from this custom field name to the Subscription25 BIC Field on Account | FALSE | |||||
10 | CLIENT_COST_CENTER_FIELD | Custom field that can contain the cost center that is sent to Exact for this order item. | FALSE | |||||
11 | CLIENT_IBAN_FIELD | Copies the value from this custom field name to the Subscription25 IBAN Field on Account | FALSE | |||||
12 | CLIENT_SEPA_MANDATE_DATE_FIELD | Copies the value from this custom field name to the Subscription25 SEPA Mandate Field on Account | FALSE | |||||
13 | CLIENT_VAT_NUMBER_FIELD | Copies the value from this custom field name to the Subscription25 VAT Field on Account | FALSE | |||||
14 | COMPANY_LOGO_ID | Reference to a Document id in the system which holds an image to be used in the invoice. | ID of Document Record | |||||
15 | CONTRACT_REVENUE_EXTENSION | Default contract extension revenueNumber of months that is used to generate revenues for after the current contract end date. | 12 | |||||
16 | CREATE_ORDER_ITEMS_PER_MONTH | Separate individual order lines over months (instead of the total period) | TRUE | |||||
17 | CREATE_ORDER_PER_ORDER_ITEM | Creates individual Order per order line (instead of grouping the order lines in one order) | FALSE | |||||
18 | CREDIT_QUANTITIES | If set to true, the system will create credit orders by applying a negative quantity instead of a negative price. | FALSE | |||||
19 | CRON_LOG_LEVEL | Default setting for the log level of the Subscription25 jobs | ERROR | |||||
20 | CUSTOM_INVOICE_AGGREGATION_FIELD | Can contain a field name on order that will be used to apply custom aggregation when creating invoices. | FALSE | |||||
21 | DAILY_PRICE_FACTOR_APPLIED_TO | When using a product of cost type RECURRING_DAILY, this setting determines whether the unit price or the quantity is multiplied by the number of days in the period. | UnitPrice | |||||
22 | DEFAULT_PAID_IN_ADVANCE | Default value for the Invoice field “Paid In Advance”. | FALSE | |||||
23 | DEFAULT_PAYMENT_TERM | The Standard Payment Term used as a fallback when an account does not have a payment term. | 14 | |||||
24 | DISABLE_DIRECT_ADMIN_SYNC | This determines if we create the sync request for new invoices asynchronously or direct | FALSE | |||||
25 | ENABLE_CONTRACT_REVENUES | If set to true, contract revenues will be created for all contract products. | TRUE | |||||
26 | ENABLE_LIGHTNING_STYLES | Indicate if the components should be styled according to the lightning design system | TRUE | |||||
27 | EXACT_TRANSITORY | If set to true, the order item start and end dates will be synchronized to Exact. | TRUE | |||||
28 | EXCLUDE_LAST_MONTH_FROM_EXTRAPOLATION | If set to true, the system excludes the last month from an extrapolation to complete months (only applicable when EXTRAPOLATE_ORDERS_UNTIL_MONTH_END is set to true) | FALSE | |||||
29 | EXTRAPOLATE_ORDERS_UNTIL_MONTH_END | If set to true, orders will always be extended to be synced up to the calendar months. | TRUE | |||||
30 | HIDE_DEFAULT_TERMINATION | If set to to true, the current end date is not shown in the field “Termination Date” when using the Terminate Contract button. If set to false, the value is pre-populated. | FALSE | |||||
31 | INCLUDE_ORDER_DESCRIPTION_ON_INVOICE | If set to true, the descriptions of all the orders on an invoice will be combined and put into the invoice description | FALSE | |||||
32 | INTERFACE_LOG_LEVEL | The default value for the log level of the interfaces to external systems | ERROR | |||||
33 | INTERFACE_XML_LOG_LEVEL | The default value for the log level of the requests and responses to the external systems. | ERROR | |||||
34 | INVOICE_DATE_BASED_ON | Can be CREATION_DATE, MIN_ORDER_DATE or MAX_ORDER_DATE. This determines the invoice date of the invoice. CREATION DATE means the invoice date is the date on which it is created. | CREATION_DATE | |||||
35 | PRIVATE_INVOICE_ATTACHMENTS | If set to true, invoice PDFs will be created as private attachments. Soon to be obsolete, because this is only applicable when USE_SALESFORCE_FILES_FOR_INVOICES is false | FALSE | |||||
36 | REDIRECT_TO_INVOICE_AFTER_CREATION | If set to true, redirect the user to the invoice after a single invoice is manually created for some orders. | TRUE | |||||
37 | USE_ACCOUNT_NAME_AS_TF_DESCRIPTION | If set to true, the account name is synchronized in the description field of the Twinfield transaction. | TRUE | |||||
38 | USE_CALENDAR_QUARTER | If set to true, the invoice cycle of contracts with quarterly payments is synced up to calendar quarters. | FALSE | |||||
39 | USE_INVOICE_PAYMENT_METHOD_DEFAULT | If set to true, the default value of the Payment Method field on Invoice will be used as the default payment method (in favour of the corresponding field on Account). | FALSE | |||||
40 | USE_NUMBER_OF_DAYS_IN_MONTH | If set to true, when calculating orders for parts of the month, the actual number of days in the month is used. If set to false, the system always uses 30 days per month. | TRUE | |||||
41 | USE_ORDER_BILL_TO_CONTACT | If set to true, the Bill To Contact of orders will be used to aggregate the orders. That contact will also be used as the contact person on the invoice. | FALSE | |||||
42 | USE_SALESFORCE_FILES_FOR_INVOICES | Indicates if Files (checked) or Notes/attachments (unchecked) is used. Salesforce advises to use files. | TRUE |