Install the latest GoMeddo Social25 / Changelog

The following links will take you directly to the installation page in Salesforce:

Important! Make sure to always install “For Admins Only”.

Version 2.112

  • Added Instagram Handle (username) matching. You can now match incoming instagram messages based on the instagram handle and create/attach to leads and contacts. In the trigger settings you can specify which text field on lead or contact you want to match on.


  • Added support to show the mark read/unread checkmarks on experience clouds.

  • Fixed a bug with the refresh token where it would give you an error if staying on the page for longer times.


Version 2.111

  • When a social25 component has been open on a page for a while it will now refresh access tokens so you can still send and receive messages without refreshing the page.


Version 2.110

  • When the component detects the browser can’t play an audio file it will provide a download link instead.


Version 2.109

  • Added support for Story mentions and replies for instagram.


Version 2.108

  • This is a minor update to fix issues with the new Salesforce LWS security layer. 
    When LWS is enabled the components again receives live updates.


Version 2.107

  • The chat component should now work with the latest salesforce version

  • In cases where the source Id of a social persona was not of the type that is configured in social25 the heroku messages should still be linked to the correct case.