Public Holiday Downloader

Public Holiday Downloader

This Lightning Web Component enables you to download public holidays for a chosen Resource and save them as unavailabilities in GoMeddo. Unavailability for resources can be inherited, which means you can use this component to make all rooms in a country unavailable during a public holiday.

The data we use in this component is fetched from the https://www.openholidaysapi.org/en/. OpenHolidays API is a small Open Data project that collects public holiday and school holiday data and makes it available via an open REST API interface.

The component will automatically fetch the data and provide options to save specific dates as unavailabilities


Use this URL to install the package into Production and Developer orgs

Use this URL to install the package into Sandbox orgs

How to use

  1. After installation, a new Lightning App Page will be available with the name Public Holiday Downloader, which displays the component.

  2. Type a Resource name in the Resource lookup to select it. This can be a parent resource, such as a country for example.

As this is an unlocked package you can modify the source code if needed.