

A wrapper around a collection of B25.FormRecords, with some additional methods to manipulate the collection.

This class implements the Iterator interface. This makes it act like a List<B25.FormRecord> and allows you to loop over the collection, for example this code demonstrates setting the checked in time on every reservation contact:

B25.FormRecord record = form.getActiveRecord(); B25.FormRecordCollection reservationContacts = record.getRelatedRecords('B25__Reservation_Contacts__r'); for (B25.FormRecord reservationContact : reservationContacts) { reservationContact.put(B25__ReservationContact__c.B25__Check_In_Datetime__c, System.now()); }


The following code demonstrates adding a reservation contact from inside an B25.FormEventHandler

B25.FormRecord record = form.getActiveRecord(); B25.FormRecordCollection reservationContacts = record.getRelatedRecords('B25__Reservation_Contacts__r'); Id contactId = [SELECT Id FROM Contact LIMIT 1].Id; // just grab a random contact id for this example Id reservationId = record.getSObjectClone().Id; reservationContacts.add(new B25__ReservationContact__c( B25__Contact_Lookup__c = contactId, B25__Reservation_Lookup__c = reservationId ));



B25.FormRecord get(String UUID)

Gets the record from the collection with the specified identifier.

Return value: B25.FormRecord

Throws: B25.FormRecordCollectionException if the collection does not contain a record with the specified identifier.


Removes the specified B25.FormRecord from the collection.


Wraps the given SObject record in a B25.FormRecord, adds it to the collection, and returns the wrapped record.

Return value: B25.FormRecord

Throws: B25.RelatedListItem.SObjectTypeException if record being added does not match the SObjectType of this collection.


Returns an iterator over the wrapped B25.FormRecords for this collection.

Return value: Iterator


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