Install the latest GoMeddo version
The following links will take you directly to the installation page in Salesforce:
Important! Make sure to always install “For Admins Only”.
Version 5.32 -February 8th, 2024
Major new functionality where we now support Time Zones better. We offer the possibility to configure Time Zones on every dimension and on the reservation itself. Take a look at this article to find out how to set this up
It’s now possible to customize the ics email Send Email with ICS Attachment confirmation used in our flow, for example to add a url to a google/teams/zoom videolink.
Improved the recurring reservations screen to be similiar to what we offer for Parent Child Reservations.
Performance improvements for realtime validation, especially for loading multiple reservation in case of Parent Child or recurring Reservations.
Some improvements to the Record Picker (for flows)
A few improvements to the filter component on the calendar.
Click a reservation on the calendar sometimes opened a new reservations, this has been fixed.
Version 5.31 -December 9th, 2024
It’s now possible to provide a hidden filter on the calendar from the calendar page layout.
In Custom Form Logic it’s now possible to properly disable a lookup
Bug Fixes
When there is no reservation type, the pricing section is displayed when you view a reservation although the default reservation type does not have pricing enabled
Small fix for the unavailability hover
Version 5.30 -December 1st, 2024
It’s now possible to add a description to an unavailability, indicating why it’s unavailable if you hover over the unavailability
We now offer a Date Range selector, allowing you to select the start and enddate add the same time when using a screenflow booking process in Salesforce or an Experience Cloud
We now support richtext fields in the description for the Record Picker (for flows)
B25.Reservation constructor is now globally exposes
Bug Fixes
Now properly showing picklist values in the reservation hover
Some performance improvements when creating large numbers of reservations at the same time using multi select drag.
Run a Flow when creating a new Reservation had a small issue
Admin Actions
Make sure to add permissions to the Description field on availability if you’re not using our packaged permissions sets.
Version 5.29 -November 11th, 2024
Introducing Rulesets , they allow you to specify to which reservations which conflict checking should be applied. For example certain Conflict Rules apply only to a certain reservation type, or different Conflict Rules apply to different locations.
It’s now possible to translate the view in Salesforce button on the reservation form.
It’s now possible to add Google Meet video links when syncing using the Google Calendar Integration
Conflict Rules are now enabled by default for new customers and default rules are added for all customers.
Bug Fixes
Fixed a problem where guest users were not able to perform certain actions in an experience cloud.
Upgraded Apex Class versions
Small fix to the export calendar to jpg.
Version 5.27 -October 16th, 2024
Bugfixes & Improvements
A new Vertical Calendar which allows you to display your resources or staff or any other dimension on the horizontal axis of the calendar and showing time on the vertical axis. For some users and usecases this enhances visibility and improves being able to visualize better when there still room to book something.
Some small improvements needed for Winter25
Version 5.26 -September 30th, 2024
Bugfixes & Improvements
Issue regarding Dynamic Dimension Grouping and buffer times and colors
Version 5.25 -September 30th, 2024
Bugfixes & Improvements
The maximum calendar height can now be set as a percentage instead of pixels, providing more dynamic options, you can set this inside of the component on the page layout.
Custom form logic now supports parent/child and grouped reservations, allowing you to add or remove child reservations and interact with fields and buttons in grouped mode when using multi select possibilites on the calendars.
Improvements have been made to the Time Slot Picker picker to dynamically display columns based on screen size, along with other small visual enhancements for showing timeslots.
All fields are now sent to the widget for custom price calculation.
You can now customize which fields to display on mini display cards if you use the reservation form in multi-mode.
If you are using the "fill entire cell" setting in the view, you can now opt to use your regular color scheme instead of the duration bar to indicate the difference between actual and displayed reservations.Max calendar height can now be set as a percentage vs pixels, to allow more dynamic options.
Version 5.24 -September 6th, 2024
Bugfixes & Improvements
Whether you’re working in Salesforce or within Experience Cloud using a Screen Flow. For instance, if you're using our Time Slot Picker, you typically select a staff member, location, or other key resources that impact your reservation. In the past, you might have used standard Salesforce lists or field pickers for these selections. Now, with our Record Picker (for flows) you can elevate this experience. It provides a more attractive way to display Salesforce records, transforming them into visually engaging “cards” complete with pictures or icons, titles, and descriptions.
A new support center feature has been added, accessible through the dropdown menu on the right side of the calendar or by pressing “?”.
This feature displays the keyboard shortcuts available in GoMeddo.
Admin users now have a shortcut to raise support cases and leave feedback for support cases.
Additionally, there is a shortcut to access the documentation space.
A bug has been fixed where the services section was appearing incorrectly.
The "View in Salesforce" button is now visible on the mobile app.
An option has been included to display end times in timeslots for the timeslot picker.
Real-time validation no longer identifies conflicts between parent and children.
An error message now appears in the timeslot picker when conflict rules are not applied, as the timeslot picker requires conflict rules to function properly.
An issue with the QR code URL on reservation contacts has been resolved.
Improvements have been made to the user lookup on reservation forms
The hiddenDimensionFilters now support multiple values instead of just one.
The view in Salesforce button now has multiple options (open in new tab/same tab)
Version 5.23 -July 23rd, 2024
Bugfixes & Improvements
It’s now possible to do a multiselect/drag on the calendar to create multiple reservations at the same time, this can be used for regular reservations or for Parent & Child Reservations
A lot of improvements to the configuration of the Time Slot Picker (for flows)
Improvements to the output time slots of the Time Slot Picker screenflow
Several UI improvements to the calendar, reservation cards and hovers
It’s now possible to use “Startswith” in your Conflict Rules
Several improvements and fixes for the Google and Outlook synchronisation.
Version 5.22 -July 12th, 2024
Bugfixes & Improvements
It’s now possible to pin/unpin rows on the multicalendar, so you can freeze them.
Possible to mark the days of the weekend and the day “today” with a different color in the Time Headers
Possible to remove the “now indicator” now in Set up Calendars & Views
Few bug fixes regarding the reservation form and the single calendar
Bug fix for custom form logic for showing & hiding
Occupancy component fix
Small improvement for the Time Slot Picker (for flows) to allow you to select minimum time in the future
Start and end buffers can now have different colors
Bug fix for multicurrency field
Version 5.21 -July 2nd, 2024
Bugfixes & Improvements
It’s now possible to do a multiselect/drag on the calendar to create a reservation with multiple staff/resource or contacts at the same time, you can enable this behaviour on any multi calendar linked to a dimension junction.
In conflict rules it’s now easier to create a more advanced availabilty rule.
In conflict rules, it’s now possible to use
A new month separator has been introduced, to more clearly indicate the start of the month in calendars.
Some small bug fixes regarding custom form logic and conflict rules
Dynamic hover can now use the resource id.
Open in Salesforce now opens consistently in a new tab on an experience cloud.
Version 5.20 -June 16th, 2024
Bugfixes & Improvements
Download the calendar as a full screen picture.
Overlapping of reservations on the calendar. It’s not possible to have reservations overlap each other (partially), making it easier to show more reservations in one line.
Dynamic availability loading allows faster loading of the calendar by dynamically loading in availability enable it using the Load Availabilities Based On View setting.
Split up your reservations using Parent & Child reservations. You can now split your reservations into smaller reservations allowing you to optimize your planning and resource usage.
When using Parent/Child reservation via the API, you can use to help you determine how these Parent Child combinations are created.
Some design improvements of the reservation form
Some changes to the behaviour of - check out our Admin actions below.
Admin Actions:
We made a change that could affect your existing custom form logic. The change was made for Init and Open handlers, if you have a init handlers that should be run when an existing record is opened, these should be changed to open handlers. Because Init handlers are now only run on new records. Check out this page for more information on Version 5.19 -May 10th, 2024
Bugfixes & Improvements
A small bug with conflict Rules and in which order they were executed
A fix for getBoundingClientRect error when adding services to a reservation
Intelligent lookup shows conflict while there is none
Version 5.18 -April 24th, 2024
Bugfixes & Improvements
Long validation messages on conflict rules now truncate to 255 characters automatically
When upgrading a new field will be added to services and by default turned to API visible.
Allow the dynamic filters and “hide rows without reservations” to be used in in wrapped calendars.
Made some visual improvements to the timeslot picker, also making it more responsive on mobile
Version 5.17 -April 14th, 2024
Bugfixes & Improvements
When upgrading a new field will be added to services and by default turned to API visible.
Some issues with intelligent lookups
Made some performance improvements for the Widget
Made a few improvements to the caching of rules
Added a missing permission to the Guest Experience Cloud permission set.
Show illustration when no records are found
Date pickers display behaviour improved inside of related records on the reservation form.
Some improvements to the conflict rule editor
insert field button does now work better
Newlines are not allowed in conflict rule formulas to improve readability
Resources & Types screen UI bug was fixed
Version 5.16 -March 28th, 2024
Bugfixes & Improvements
Services can now be marked “API Visible” in Salesforce, allowing usage to be restricted in the widget and landing page
Version 5.15 -March 18th, 2024
Bugfixes & Improvements
Fixed a bug where deleting a conflict rule didn’t clear the cache.
Update the time Slot Picker screen flow component to allow for multiple id’s now
Added a Rest Endpoint to allow the retrieval of multidimensional timeslots
Improve the behaviour of the Reservation Contact when opening it openend
Version 5.14 -February 28th, 2024
Bugfixes & Improvements
We now provide an Experience Cloud Guest User GoMeddo Permission set, to make it easier to use GoMeddo with Guest users.
We improved the behaviour of the Timeslot picker for guest users.
We introduced a new possibility in the Timeslot Picker to determine minimum time before the first timeslot
We made a few improvements to buffer times
Now we include an option to show the title on the reservation in/excluding the buffertime on the calendar. Allowing you to also use the buffer space for your title.
Some improvements where buffers times were included while they shouldn’t been
We fixed a timezone and daylight savings bug. That caused incorrect times to be displayed when opening the reservation form.
We fixed a bug that in very specific cases could cause the Start time and End time text fields to drift out of sync with the Start and End datetime fields.
It’s now possible to specify a different ordering on for Search Results
Job_Booker25 invalid field User job was failing is now fixed.
Version 5.13 -January 30th, 2024
Bugfixes & Improvements
A lot of improvements to the possibilities and configuration experience of the email action we provide to send ics files
We now make it a lot easier to set the sender of the email by allowing you to either select the org-wide email from a dropdown, or set a fixed value
You can now also set the bcc, cc and recipients, select the most used options from a dropdown or set it yourself.
You can now easily select which email templates you would like to use from a dropdown
Easier to create a simple email by just adding a body and subject to the email directly from the flow instead of a template
Many more improvements to improve the user experience of the configuration componenent Send Email with ICS Attachment
We started to implement platform cache to improve the performance of GoMeddo, we cache Dimension Configuration and Conflict Rules.
Version 5.12 -December 21st, 2023
Bugfixes & Improvements
Improvements to the synchronization of google and outlook events
Null pointer when using the Recurring Reservation component
Few bug related to Conflict Rules for soft conflicts and an “Null pointer error” when using multiple rules without availability
Improvement to the filters to also hide any non-reservable Resource without children
Some improvements in lookups when typing fast
Version 5.11 -December 1st, 2023
Bugfixes & Improvements
We made some changes to our components to improve compatibility with Commerce and LWR Experience Cloud templates
When deleting a calendar/status/type we now also delete the associated colors.
View In Salesforce" buttons on Resources & Types tab now open in a new browser tab
We now round the occupancy percentage in the occupancy hover
Some improvements in showing date time fields on the hover
Improved the stability of the Google Calendar Sync
A lot of improvements to our recently delivered
Relaxed permission checking in our Apex action to send emails with ICS attachments from flows
Version 5.10 -November 7th, 2023
New feature to expose your calendars in a vertical way. Previously only available for single staff/ resources etc, now available for multiple of resources/staff or other dimensions as well. Can be used as a standard component on the page if you have a limited number of records to show, or available to wrap so you can feed it a subset of your records based on context. See also:
Another new feature is the new reservation Timeslot Picker for reservations. Give it time-range,a resource, a staff or any other dimension or related record, and it will give you back the available time slots this combination can be booked. Check out our documentation to see how you can use this:
Added new global methods and
Next to this we’re also releasing new functionality to show the calendar in the user timezone. This way you can have the timezone show based on the user or on the resource, based on your calendar configuration.
Bugfixes & Improvements
Using Custom Form Logic you can now show and hide buttons on the reservation form.
We made the lookups a more user friendly, by allowing you to search on related content:
In Case lookup you can search by CaseNumber
In Contact lookup you can search by email and account name
In Contract lookup you can search by contract number and account name
In Lead loopup you can search by email and company
In Opportunity lookup you can search by account name
In Order lookup you can search by order number and account name
Make the Price calculation function global
Few bugfixes on the calendar wizard and the hoverdefinitions.
Buffer time now shows on the multi calendar again.
Fixed errors occuring when using conflict rules that check availability together with rules for dimensions that did not have an availability lookup configured.
Few bugfixes in the conflict rule editor.
Fixed Dynamic Picklists throwing an error when there was no read access to the field
Version 5.9 -September 19th, 2023
Conflict Rules allow you to fully enforce your business logic on reservations which are being made using GoMeddo. This makes sure only reservations can be made, which are allowed.
You can use any data on the reservation itself, related records and data on the resource, staff, availability or anything you’re booking and in your rules, allowing for endless possibilities. You can even use the permissions of the user, trying to make the reservation. It’s also possible to give detailed feedback to the users trying to make the reservation, why something is not allowed or why they’ll get a warning. As it’s a new feature we will not yet automatically activate this for you, if you want to check it out, see our documentation.
Bugfixes & Improvements
It’s now possible to change only future occurences of your recurring reservations
We’ve added multi picklist filtering, to make it easier to select multiple items
Fixed an issue with unavailability not being displayed on the staff calendar.
Fixed an issue with the realtime validations and when a related record was not shared with the user trying to make the reservation.
Fixed a few issues with Daylights savings and recurring reservations.
Fixed an issue with the availability endpoint and timezones
Upgraded the API version from 54 to 56
Fixed a bug where the mobile calendar didn’t load anymore.
Admin actions
A bug was fixed in the availability endpoint when the timezone was shown in GMT while it was not (only for non resource dimensions). All results are now correctly indicated in GMT based on the timezone of the integration user. If you adapted your integrations earlier to compensate for this behaviour, take a look at the new results. If you integration user was already set to GMT, nothing changed.
Version 5.8 -August 2nd, 2023
Bugfixes & Improvements
Recurring reservations are now validated using the new rule engine (when enabled)
The global apex BulkValidator method now validates using the new rule engine (when enabled)
Reservations ending exactly at midnight were not properly checked against the resource’s availability
Reservations’ start or end times could get shifted by one hour when booking them really close to a daylight savings time change in another timezone than your own
The new conflict engine gave incorrect results when checking availabilities for reservations crossing midnight
The availability form on the Resources & Types tab did not display any additional fields added to the Custom Fields fieldset on the Availability object
Resource titles were not displayed in the configured order
Version 5.7 -June 9th, 2023
Bugfixes & Improvements
You can now use the org wide email address in the sent email action to use in the email templates we provide to check-in/out, and to confirm reservations and generate ics files
We made a lot of improvements to the calendar wizard which can help you easily create calendars for you dimensions.
We now also support the disabling of drag and drop on all lightning calendars including single calendars.
Fixed some issues service inventory not updating in realtime
Some improvements to the mobile calendar displaying on a record page.
Fixed an issue with the enddates of certain reservations using duration would jump to the wrong day.
Conflict checking not working on buffer time + buffer time shifts reservation instead of adding time to it
Keyboard accessibility: using your keyboard in the reservation form has improved.
Rich Text Area Fields now are shown better on the reservation form.
Some improvements in reservation colors.
Our new Reservation Restrictions Rules are released in beta, please reach out if you would like to use this.
Version 5.5 -June 9th, 2023
Bugfixes & Improvements
We made a small change to the calendar where we now show buffer time the same size as the rest of the reservation.
We fixed a situation where Dynamic resource titles didn’t load
We fixed a bug which occurred when no fieldset was defined, which could cause an error on the reservation form and the calendar.
Version 5.4 -May 10, 2023
We’ve extended our Custom Form Logic . It was already possible to improve the behaviour of the reservation form with custom form logic.
But we added some new possibilities. It’s now possible to enable or disable fields, show or hide fields, or show or hide entire sections. And use this when opening the reservation form. This way you can improve the user experience by only showing users the necessary fields and sections. find out how to do this, check out our documentation page on Custom Form Logic.We made some improvements to the Reservation Record page layout. It’s now possible to use the reservation form on the page layout instead of using the standard Salesforce fields. Making it more consistent and easy to edit your reservation from the record page.
Bugfixes & Improvements
Bugfix [Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'start')]
Small bug with duration and reservations without reservation type.
Fixed some related list bug and made some small improvemnts
In a clean install VisualForce calendars and tabs shouldn't be visible anymore.
Removed the View Calendar from context pointing to the old calendars.
Dynamic picklists (like status) now display a “none” options
The standalone recurring components had problems if the recurring Id was not on the page
Multi entity lookups work correctly now on the reservation form
Version 5.3 - April 7, 2023
We’ve added a lot of new functionalities and improvements to the calendar and the reservation form with the most important being the Reservation Duration and the Zoom integration.
Reservation Duration
Is now available on the reservation form. The Duration field on reservation type was already available but now it is also validating on the reservation form. This means you can give a reservation type a fixed duration and the reservation form will enter the endtime based on the start time, making it a lot easier to work with fixed durations. The endtime itself is disabled for manual input. For reservations with a duration, drag and drop resizing is disabled on the calendar.
All of this functionality can be overridden for specific users by giving them the Override Reservation Duration Custom Permission. For more information refer to our documentation.
GoMeddo Zoom Integration
It's now very easy to set up an integration between Zoom and GoMeddo which you can use to add links to Zoom meetings to the GoMeddo reservation.
For more information refer to our documentation for instructions and how to install this package.
Bugfixes & Improvements
The reservation will now automatically update the endtime if you make changes to the start time.
To make it a lot easier to schedule reservations starting around the same time, we’ve added a small blank space next to every reservation on the calendar.
The scheduler has been updated to work with the latest Salesforce changes. Interested? Refer to the
updated documentation.The bug that caused the timepicker component to be hidden behind the rest of the screen has been fixed.
Fixed the bug where using special characters to search in GoMeddo lookups would result in an error.
Fixed a bug where inactive resources were not filtered out of intelligent search results
Month view did not show reservations on previous months although the dates were shown in the calendar view, now they will.
Dynamic dimension groupings now support translated picklist values
Version 5.2 - February 20, 2023
This release includes a lot of bug fixes and some improvements to the GoMeddo Outlook synchronization.
Improvements & Bug fixes
It’s now possible to use a setting to change the sync window in Outlook
You can now test if your Outlook credentials are correct using a new check connection button on the Outlook settings tab.
We improved the Outlook synchronization for recurring reservations and made general improvements to the reliability of the synchronization.
Reservation Type dropdown at the top of the standalone form did not display the type that was set by the pre-create flow
We fixed some situations where single calendars would not load reservations correctly. This was often the case when a calendar was wrapped and the dimensionId would be populated using an apex call.
Fixed an issue where Experience Cloud would show an error when using a guest user.
Fixed an error with insufficient privileges to create a field in the Experience Cloud.
Moving or changing reservations would display multiple copies of the same reservation on the month view of the single calendar.
Fixed an issue where the real time validation would not revalidate when a formula field was used in validation and a field referenced in the formula changed.
Fixed an issue where copy pasting using the mouse would cause the credential fields on the outlook settings tab to not register their new contents.
Version 5.1 - February 1, 2023
We’re proud to announce this new version of GoMeddo (previously Booker25). It’s all about our new name and rebranding and also includes one improvement for recurring reservations.
We have rebranded the Booker25 app to GoMeddo, changing names, labels, icons and a lot more. If you want to read more about the new name, see our blog post
Improvements & Bug fixes
Related lists are now also taken into account while using the recurring reservation functionality. Check out our documentation.
Version 4.86 - January 20, 2023
This version contains nice improvements regarding Price Calculations and Double Booking matching conditions, and a few bug fixes as well.
It’s now possible to define yourself which fields are used in the trigger for price calculation, based on the same configuration which was already available for the reservation form. Take a look at our documentation to find out how.
We have made some changes to the Double Booking Matching conditions. Instead of providing a condition in the field on dimension you can now specify the condition using Custom Metadata Types. This changes what is possible by allowing more complex reflective conditions. Check out our documentation to learn more.
Improvements & Bug fixes
When parent resources are not shared with a user, but the availability inheritance is set to full, the calendar gave an error, this is now fixed.
Some bug fixes in the Wizard for creating Calendars.
Double Booking Matching Condition also affected capacity checking, it will not anymore.
In some cases where double bookings was allowed in combination with formula fields, a validation was still shown that it wasn't allowed, this has now been fixed.
Admin Actions
If you are upgrading, do the following to get the most out of this release.
The changes made to the double booking matching conditions are not backwards compatible. If you currently use a double booking matching condition you will have to convert that condition into a Custom Metadata Type and change the reference on the dimension record. See our documentation on this.
Version 4.85 - December 19, 2022
This version contains a nice improvement regarding bypassing availability and some smaller improvements and bug fixes.
There is a new configuration option to allow certain reservations to ignore availabilities, and to be booked outside of opening times. By default, this is controlled by the new Allow Unavailable Bookings field on Reservation Status. Check out our Conflict Checking documentation page.
Improvements & Bug fixes
We've updated the reservation form to be able to handle the new salesforce address fields.
Small improvements to the filters when selecting “none”.
We fixed some cases where the real time validation would not work.
Small fix where date-time fields on reservations could be out of sync
We've improved the validation errors on recurring reservations when making reservations with high recurrence.
We’ve improved the calendar loading behaviour when applying filters.
The recurring conflicts component height did not work correctly in all situations.
Admin Actions
If you are upgrading, do the following to get the most out of this release.
Add the field Allow Unavailable Bookings to the Reservation Status page layout.
Add the field Reservation Skip Availability Field to the Dimension page layout.
Version 4.84 November 16, 2022
This version contains a very nice new feature to add ICS files to email templates so recipients can easily add reservations to their calendars. It also contains flow and email templates for new, changed, and canceled reservations including these ICS files, and for sending check-in QR codes to reservation contacts. These new flows and email templates allow you to quickly set up email notifications in your org.
To add ICS files to an email, we have added an invocable apex action which can be used from a flow to send an email template including ICS file.
New flow and email template for new, changed and canceled reservations (including the ICS file)
New flow and email template for sending check-in QR code to reservation contacts
New flow and email template for sending canceled reservation emails
Take a look at our documentation page, describing the flows and email templates.
The dimension junctions now also support intelligent search. They will no longer show unavailable options and will warn users when an option would result in a soft conflict, making it easier and more effective to use.
The dynamic Filter now automatically uses some defaults to make it easier to use.
The way we handle recurring reservations has improved, it’s now a lot easier to handle recurring reservations in case of conflicting reservations.
Bug fixes
Closing the 'Hidden Resources' filter with the button caused an issue, which has now been solved.
Pick-lists didn’t support a -none- value, we've added this option.
Admin Actions
If you are upgrading, do the following to get the most out of this release.
It should be enabled already for all organizations, but it's necessary that Folders and Enhanced Sharing is enabled.
So if you face any installation errors, please take a look there
Version 4.83 - November 9, 2022
We added an improvement to the recently released occupancy functionality, so you can now use the results in flows.
To expose the functionality of the previously released occupancy component to be used in flows as well, we’ve now added it as an apex action. This allows you to use the occupancy data influence the behaviour of your flows.
Version 4.82 - October 7, 2022
We added one nice new feature, checking in and out, optionally using QR codes, next to that we did quite some nice improvements and bug fixes.
Checkin - Checkout functionality has been added, we now allow you to quickly check-in and check-out your reservation contacts. We provide you with the option to add a QR-code to facilitate this. When the QR code is scanned it opens the Salesforce mobile app and gives you two actions (check-in and check-out). We store the times of these actions. This functionality is also available in the desktop record page view or when you’re using the API. Check out our documentation to see how this works in more detail.
The dimension junctions now also support intelligent search. They will no longer show unavailable options and will warn users when an option would result in a soft conflict, making it easier and more effective to use.
The dynamic Filter now automatically now uses some defaults to make it easier to use.
The way we handle recurring reservations has improved, it’s now a lot easier to handle recurring reservations in case of conflicting reservations.
Bug fixes
Fixed some issues with double booking in soft conflicts situations
Fields in Double Booking Matching Condition will now trigger revalidation on the reservation form when changed.
Fixed cross object Double Booking Matching Conditions not working in intelligent lookups.
Fixed GoMeddo installation failures on orgs with Shield Platform Encryption.
Admin Actions
If you are upgrading, do the following to get the most out of this release.
If you want the QR code to check-in make sure to add it to the reservation contact page layout.
Version 4.81 August 19, 2022
We added a new occupancy component that displays the occupancy for your records! Additionally, we now support fixed pricing options. We included some bug fixes and some minor improvements as part of this release as well.
Fixed pricing option
To allow extra and easier pricing options, we have added an option to add a fixed price to a booking besides the already existing pricing options. A fixed price stays the same, Independent of the length of the booking.
Occupancy component
In this version we have added insights into your occupancy. We show you the occupancy of your dimension records (Resources, Staff, etc) based on available time versus existing reservations in GoMeddo.
Take a look at our documentation to find out more
Custom Form Logic improvement
We introduced some improvements in Custom Form Logic.
We now show you that custom form logic is still running by showing a loading indicator. Next to this we now allow a more convenient way to add icons to the search results which are shown based on custom form logic.
Check out our documentation to see how this works in more detail
Bug fixes
GoMeddo upgrades would sometimes fail due to a missing field in the configuration. We fixed that in this release so it no longer references that field
We made sure that if a user does not have write permissions to the Conflict object, the conflicts are now handled as hard conflicts.
Admin Actions
If you are upgrading, do the following to get the most out of this release.
If you want to use the occupancy component, you need to add it to the dimension record pages.
If you run into an installation failed error it might be necessary to change the “IS Installing” custom setting to true:
Go to Setup
Search for Custom Settings
Click Manage next to System Setting
Change the value to true.
If you don’t have that setting, follow the following steps:
Go to SetupSearch for Custom Settings
Click Manage next to System Setting
Click NewName the record IS_INSTALLING, and for Boolean Value true
Version 4.80 July 15, 2022
In this release we introduce two major new features, next to that we solve a number of bugs and we have focused on improving the overall experience of the app.Multi-dimensional availability now displays the dependencies in the multi-calendar. Making it clear when you can make a reservation while there is a dependency on another dimension (e.g. staff working in a specific location for example).And also we introduce custom conflict rules, this allows you to conflict reservations based on your own fields. For example, if your business rule specifies that in a student room a single gender is allowed you can see if the reservation that is being created fits that criteria.
The recently released “Multi-dimensional availabilities” will now be displayed in a way that makes it clearly distinguishable compared to normal availabilities in the multi-calendar.
We replaced the old Visualforce calendars with the new LWC calendars for fresh installs.
We introduced a new way in which you can filter for dimension records that have reservations. We now give you the option to show only the records that actually have reservation that apply to your filter.
Check out our documentation.
In this version we introduce a new conflict checking option. With this you can create your own “reflective criterias” which allows you to specify when something should (or should not conflict). For example in the screenshot below we can make sure that only two reservations with the same Gender__c value are allowed in the same resource.
Check out our documentation.
Added the ability to use the readOnly and hiddenReservationFilters on the mobile calendar when wrapping it.
Bug fixes
We make sure any error messages are now clearly displayed on the page or in the browser's-console instead of suppressing them from the page.
Fixed an issue that could cause an error toast notification to say Unknown error instead of the actual error message.
Enabling live-sync for google/outlook caused the sync to not be scheduled automatically. This has been fixed.
For the Custom Form Logic the Test_FormHelper now allows you to better test the interaction with specific related list items.
For the Custom Form Logic the Test_FormHelper now allows you to run the before save action.
Version 4.79 July 7, 2022
This release has major improvements for the use of GoMeddo in the Salesforce Mobile app. We also made the Scheduler generally available, you no longer need to contact us to use this feature.
Added a mobile calendar. This calendar will show a single day view that is optimised to be used in the Salesforce mobile app. With improved usability of the reservation form as well. Look at our documentation how to configure this.
The Searchresult class in the custom form now exposes the id and label properties
Added the ability to use values like TODAY and YESTERDAY in the filters on the calendar if they are set to date or datetime fields. Click the use relative date link to switch to relative date mode in the calendar filters.
Scheduler is made generally available.
Bug fixes
Fixed a bug that caused certain updates triggered by the custom form logic to not update on the form correctly.
Removed the B25__Outlook_ICalUId__c field this field was no longer used by the outlook sync and would cause issues on some orgs.
Fixed a bug that caused an error when a dimension junction had double booking checking set to none.
Fixed a bug where the /availability rest endpoint didn't respect the allow double booking field on the dimension sObject.
Version 4.78 April 4, 2022
This release is packed with a lot of improvements that help you to maintain GoMeddo better. We have added UI for admins so they can easily create hovers and titles for calendars, and we have added a wizard that allows you to set up new calendars in a breeze.
We have added a component for the reservation titles. This component allows for simple editing of the titles shown on calendars.
We also added an editor component for the hovers. This component allows you to edit all the relevant information for the hovers. It also gives you a live preview of the hover.
The new "Calendar Wizard" leads you through the process of creating a calendar for any object. It will create the required configuration records as well as the required objects and fieldsCalendars now have a minimum height. This allows you to still properly edit filters when no dimension records are shown in the calendar.
We included a new field for the attendees in outlook/google for reservations. This field can contain a comma separated list of email addresses and will be synced to the attendees in outlook/google. When syncing back to GoMeddo this list will be updated if attendees have been removed/added.
Bug fixes
The month view of the single record calendar now no longer displays reservation buffers. The reservation is displayed as a full day, making it impossible to show accurate buffer highlights.
Fixed dimension hovers that produced an error when hovering over a grouping of records.
Removed the scheduler export to image functionality because of changes to locker security in Salesforce.
We fixed an issue when editing reservation with a predefined timeframes.
Admin actions
Drag the Hover Definition component to the Record page for Hover definition object in the lightning page builder
Drag the Title Definition component to the Record page for Reservation Title Group object in the lightning page builder
Version 4.77 March 3, 2022
This small release fixes a null pointer issue with the REST api when reservations with null quantity are present and provides a new endpoint to retrieve a reservations price based on the price calculation configured in GoMeddo.
Added a new endpoint that allows you to run the custom price calculation without inserting a reservation.
Bug fixes
Fixed an issue that generated a null pointer on the /availability endpoint when the requested range contained a reservation with null quantity.
Version 4.76 February 9, 2022
This release brings a long-requested feature. You can now specify that two or more records have a dependent availability. Such as a staff that is only available in a single location (Tim works in Amsterdam on Mondays, but London on Tuesdays) or a machine that can only be booked by certain staff members.
Multi-dimensional availability, allowing you to specify a dependent availability such as a teacher that is available in one location. They can relate to multiple records, so you can enforce that if a staff member uses a location they are also required to book a specific tool. Documentation can be found here.
Date RangeFilter, you can specify a time range to only show available records during that time. Documentation can be found here:
Toast Notifications, the Custom Form Logic now allows you to send Toast notifications. Documentation can be found here.
Bug fixes
Made sure that the LWC Security update that will be rolled out in Spring ‘22 is not affecting GoMeddo.
When inputting an empty reservation in the timeslot picker component for flows you no longer get an infinite loading screen
We fixed a null pointer error when (un)deleting dimension junction records.
Admin Actions
There is a new field on Availability “Is Dependent Availability” please give your users access to this field and add it to the page layout. The Multi-calendar for record pages now has the option to say it should take these availabilities into account, ther is a new checkbox in the lightning page builder called "Availability Filter" to activate this feature.
Version 4.75 December 13, 2021
Some small changes are released in this version. Mainly related to the outlook sync and the timeslot picker.
You can now overwrite the GoMeddo sync so it does not sync for changes on the reservation record
We made sure that we only sync reservations for fields where a field in the sync mapping is updated.
Bug fixes
Timeslot pickers now no longer fail when the user's timezone is different from the computer's timezone.
Timeslot pickers now also checks on capacity.