Add a View Offset

Add a View Offset


You can add a View Offset to a Scheduler component to make it display a different time range. This is useful for example if you have a two-week Schedule, which you want to display in two separate one-week components on top of each other.

If you are using this technique to display two components, be aware that dragging and dropping events between components does not currently work.


The view offset can be set programmatically (if you’re wrapping the component) through the viewOffset property. The property expects a number of days, by which to offset the start of the view.

<B25:multiScheduleWrapper viewOffset="7" ... (set other properties here) />


<B25:scheduleWrapper viewOffset="7" ... (set other properties here) />


This example illustrates how to use viewOffset to display a two-week schedule as two one-week calendars on top of each other.

<aura:component implements="flexipage:availableForRecordHome,force:hasRecordId" access="global" > <!-- component showing the first week (no offset) --> <B25:multiScheduleWrapper recordId="{!v.recordId}" calendarName="Schedule" colors="B25__Colors__c" titles="Name" /> <!-- component showing the second week (7 day offset) --> <B25:multiScheduleWrapper recordId="{!v.recordId}" calendarName="Schedule" colors="B25__Colors__c" titles="Name" viewOffset="7" /> </aura:component>


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